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Monkey or giraffe?

Giraffe, please. Acorn fills the monkey slot in our household neatly, what with all the jumping about. Besides, I was once bitten on the eye by a monkey, and I’m still mad at it.

Wood fireplace or gas fireplace?

Wood. Do I look like a dinosaur killer to you?

Jump off a cliff into the water, or bungee jump off a bridge?

Since my imagination is leading me to a tall cliff with either not enough water, or so much water I’d have trouble getting back up to the surface (have I mentioned I’m not a strong swimmer?), I’ll go with the bungee jumping.

Almond or hazelnut?

Almond. I’ve never had hazelnuts, just hazelnut-flavoured something-or-others, which I didn’t like. But I don’t like almond-flavoured anythings either, so who knows really. I do love almonds, though.

Walk or ride?

Ride my bike! Whee!

Piano or guitar?

Piano, though I don’t play either.

Roller coaster or ferris wheel?

Ferris wheel, because Acorn’s not big enough for roller coasters yet. What fun is it to ride one by yourself?

Scrambled or poached?

My grandmother would make poached eggs when I was a kid. That was almost the only way I’d eat eggs, and even so I would only eat the whites. Nowadays, it’s scrambled egg sandwiches.

Sunburn or windburn?

Windburn. In my experience it’s easier to treat and doesn’t do as much damage.

Jujube or jelly bean?

Um… jelly beans? I guess, based on the fact that I had to visit Google to find out what Jujubes are.

Trivial Pursuit or Scrabble?

Scrabble. I love words, it’s better suited for two-person play, and I stink at the kind of pop culture trivia that pops up so often in Trivial Pursuit.

Radio or music you bring with you?

Mp3 player, alternated with NPR. (If that’s waffling, just tell me what type of syrup you prefer.)

Gloves or mittens?



No, that’s not even a choice. Next question.

Orange chocolate or mint chocolate?

Mint chocolate. Orange chocolate is disgusting.

Flannel or smooth sheets?

Smooth. Geeze, what are you trying to do, cook me in my sleep?

Bubbles or confetti?

Bubbles. Great for entertaining cats and kidlets, and not as much mess to clean up as confetti makes.

Buffet or plate service?

Plate service. Buffet always seems to have been left sitting out a little too long. Unless it’s potluck.

The smell of cinnamon or the smell of vanilla?

Cinnamon. Once in college, I returned from a trip abroad and baked batches of cinnamon cookies and lit a cinnamon candle, because I had just spent two months in a country that considered cinnamon an optional ingredient in apple pie.

These choices were posed today by Meg Fowler, who regularly hosts Choose Ye segments. Feel free to play along, either in my comments, in Meg’s comments, or on your own blog — if you choose that last option, please comment to let me know so I can read your post!

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